Friday 18 October 2013

Kira Chess Piece

I mentally divided the chess piece into thirds to ensure  that the proportions are accurate. I did a lot of lightly drawing the chess piece and my hand while only looking at the subject (no looking at the paper) because I tend to get more accurate curves that way. I drew the value by placing the chess piece on one side of a light then drawing it. I added value to the chess piece by looking at it as a collection of lights and darks instead of a complete object so that I don't make up any value in my head. I lightly shaded with the lightest pencil (HB) first, then I added the 2B, and finally the 6B to areas that needed it. 

I created pattern by repeating similar lines in the background. I created movement by making all the lines point to the chess piece by getting thinner and lighter as they reach the chess piece.

The composition is not in the centre to add interest and complexity to the drawing. I chose it's exact position by following the rule of thirds. To maintain balance, I added a hand holding the chess piece that takes up the right side. 

I made the chess piece the focal point by having all lines point towards it. The two fingers are on either end of it so your eyes look from top to bottom of the chess piece. The ball of the chess piece is directly on the rule of thirds.